WordPress Core WordPress 6.5.3 was released on May 7, 2024, as a short-cycle maintenance release. This release features 12 bug fixes on Core and 9 bug fixes for the Block editor. WordPress Plugins — 86 Patched / 32 Unpatched Photo Gallery by 10Web –…
Νέος τιμοκατάλογος Domain – Development – It Services
Γνωρίζουμε πόσο σημαντικό είναι όσα σας παρέχουμε να είναι προσιτά και οικονομικά. Καταβάλλουμε κάθε προσπάθεια γι’ αυτό, ωστόσο καλούμαστε διαρκώς να ανταπεξέλθουμε σε αυξημένα λειτουργικά κόστη, κόστη προμηθευτών και επιβαρύνσεις από τρίτα μέρη. Δεδομένων αυτών, και φυσικά του ότι η ποιότητα των…
WordPress Vulnerability Report — December 6, 2023
WordPress Core — Security Update! WordPress 6.4.1 was released on December 6, 2023, as a short-cycle maintenance and security release with seven bug fixes and one security patch for a potential Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability that is not directly exploitable in most situations. However,…
WordPress Vulnerability Report – June 21, 2023
WordPress Core Vulnerabilities — Patched No new WordPress core vulnerabilities were disclosed this week. WordPress Plugin Vulnerabilities — Patched In this section, you’ll find the most recently disclosed WordPress plugin vulnerabilities that have been fixed with a new release from their…
Ensure you have updated your WordPress sites to the current versions: Security Pro version 7.3.1 or higher. Security (Free) version 8.1.5 or higher. No Active Exploits, Risk is Low This is a low-risk open redirect vulnerability in the Enforce SSL feature…